The Complete Guide of SEO Techniques: what you must avoid and why

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a fundamental part of marketing strategy. Most companies spend hours every day optimizing their websites to get higher rankings. But does it pay off? Let’s talk about SEO Techniques.

For years, Google has been dominating the search engine space. Nowadays, even mobile devices play a big role in determining where a person looks for information.

While SEO is important, there are some things you shouldn’t do. These include using black hat or unethical methods such as keyword stuffing, link building, and spamming. The same goes for linking back to your site from other sites.

This article will learn about some mistakes that can harm your website’s performance and cause penalties.

Overusing Keywords

One of the most important ways that Google ranks websites is by using keywords. Websites optimized for their keywords will rank higher in search engine results pages. When a website abuses the keyword system, it can harm its ranking.

One of the most common types of website abuse is keyword stuffing, which is putting excessive keywords on a web page. One can repeat the keywords, put them into lists, or overload the page with keywords.

Google considers this type of content spammy and penalizes websites with too much of it. Avoid keyword stuffing if you want to improve your website’s organic traffic.

Hidden Links or Text 

Another way that people try to manipulate search engines is through hidden text. The hidden text refers to any text that is not visible on a webpage but still gets indexed by search engines.

It includes images, videos, and anything else that isn’t visible on the screen. It also includes links within an image or video. For example, if you have a picture of a car on your website and you want to add a link to another page, you could put the link inside the image.

The problem with this method is that when someone searches for that specific image, they won’t see the link. Instead, they’ll only see the picture itself. That means the link doesn’t help them find the exact result of their search.

This technique is often used by spammers who want to hide links, so they don’t get caught. Avoid using hidden text to ensure your website stays safe from those trying to game the system.

Exactly matched keywords

When you write a blog post, you might think that exact matches are best. After all, if you match the words exactly, then Google knows that you wrote the content yourself. However, this is only sometimes the case.

If you’re writing a product review, you probably wouldn’t want to match the word “product” with the word “review.” You’d rather match “product review” because that makes more sense.

If you’re writing a blog post about the latest iPhone release, you may want to match the exact phrase “iPhone 7” instead of “iPhone 7 Plus.” It is because the latter phrase would mean that you needed to know whether the user was interested in the larger model.

It would be best if you never matched keywords exactly. Doing so can hurt your rankings.

Content Spinning and Rewriting

Spinning content is content that has been copied and pasted onto the website. This practice is considered unethical because it harms the search engine ranking of your site.

When you do this, you’ll often notice that the article doesn’t flow well and contains many repeated phrases. When Google sees this, it will assume that the article is not original and penalize your website.

Avoid spinning content at all costs. The better option is to create unique content relevant to your audience.

Purchasing links

One of the oldest tricks in the book is buying backlinks. Adding paid links to your website are known as backlinks.

There are many different ways to buy backlinks, including:

  • Paying others to leave comments on blogs
  • Paying others for reviews
  • Paying others with money
  • Paying others via Facebook ads
  • Paying others through social media sites like Twitter and Instagram

These methods are generally frowned upon by Google. If you use these types of tactics, you run the risk of being labeled as a spammer.

Google does allow some exceptions to this rule. For example, you may pay others to leave reviews if your business is local. Also, if you’re part of a community forum, you may pay others for their input.

However, even though there are exceptions, most people agree that buying backlinks is bad form.


Cloaking is another way to trick Google into thinking that your website is something else than it is.

For example, let’s say that you own an online store selling shoes. You have two versions of your website: one sells men’s and one women’s.

The problem with this approach is that Google will treat both pages equally. It will need to find out which page is which. To fix this issue, add a small code to each page that says, “This is a women’s shoe store.” That way, Google will know that only women’s shoes are sold on the second page. The downside to this method is that you need to manually update the code every time you change the products or services offered.

Another solution is to use a third-party service such as W3 Total Cache. With this tool, you can easily hide certain parts of your website from Google. Using a third-party service also means you don’t have to worry about updating the code.

Spamming comments

One of the worst things you can do to your website is spamming your website with comments. This activity can dramatically harm your website ranking with Google, which relies on the quality, not quantity, of website backlinks.

How can spamming comments harm your website ranking

One of the worst things you can do to your website is spam with comments. This activity can dramatically harm your website ranking with Google, which relies on quality, not quantity.

Purchasing outdated domain names

You should only purchase old domain names to rank higher in search results. Old domains tend to get less traffic because they are no longer popular.

What happens when you purchase an old domain name?

When you purchase an old domain, you’re telling Google that the site has been around forever. However, if the site gets more visitors over time, then Google will eventually realize that the site is familiar. As a result, Google will lower its ranking for the domain name.

In addition, if you buy an old domain name, you’ll lose any link juice built up over time. In other words, you’ll lose all links pointing to the old domain.

Why would you want to buy an old domain name?

Buying an old domain name can help you build authority and improve your rankings. If you own a well-known brand, you can sell it for a profit. You can also buy an old domain name for cheap. It allows you to test out different keywords before investing money in building a website.

Uploading Large Images and Videos

Google doesn’t like large images and videos. They slow down websites and make them look unprofessional.

Why does Google dislike large photos and videos?

Large images and videos take up space on your server, which slows down your website. Also, people who visit your website may leave after seeing a large image or video.

You can reduce the size of these files by using tools such as

Using an excessive number of redirects

Redirects are used to direct users away from one URL to another. For example, if someone types into their browser, they will automatically send the request to

However, there’s a limit to how many redirects you can use. Google considers this practice to be bad web design.

Why does Google consider using too many redirects to be bad web design?

Too many redirects can cause problems for your website. When someone visits your website, they may see multiple pages instead of just one. Hence it’s difficult for users to navigate through your content.

Also, some browsers will let you use only a few redirects. If you have too many redirects, then you could lose customers.

Only Concentrating on Google

Many companies focus solely on getting high rankings on Google. But, this approach can backfire.

Why is focusing only on Google a bad idea?

People don’t always type in the keyword for which they want to rank. Instead, they may enter something like “best dog food” or “dog treats.” These searches aren’t related to your offer, so they will only bring in a little traffic.

If you want to increase your sales, then you need to target both local and national audiences. Local audiences are those who live near where you do business. National audiences are those who live elsewhere but still shop at your store.

For example, if you run a pet store, you should create a separate website for each audience. You should optimize the first website for local audiences. It should include information about your location, hours of operation, contact information, etc.

You should optimize the second website for national audiences. It should include similar information, but it should also include products relevant to the area you’re targeting.

Disregarding mobile SEO

Mobile search has become increasingly important over the past few years. Mobile search now accounts for more than half of all online searches.

So, if you pay attention to mobile SEO, you’ll get all the potential customers.

Why does ignoring mobile SEO hurt your business?

Most individuals use smartphones and tablets to access the Internet. However, web developers designed most websites with desktop computers in mind. Desktop-optimized sites often look different when viewed on a smartphone or tablet.

It means that your site might need to display properly on mobile devices. If you want to attract new customers, you need to ensure that your site looks good on mobile devices.

Missing out on search features and structured data

Structured data is a way of adding meaning and context to your content. It gives search engines and other tools (like browsers) a way to understand the structure and format of your content.

Search engines can extract what people are looking for from the web and show them the most relevant results. If your website is not showing up in search results, people will not be able to find the content they need, which can lead to a loss of revenue.

Making Use of Artificial Anchor Text

Anchors are links that point to specific sections of your website. They help readers move around your site easily.

But there’s no reason why you should use unnatural anchor text. For example, if you link to a product description using the word “product,” then you’re telling Google that the product is the main thing on your site.

Google doesn’t think that’s true. Instead, it thinks the product is just one part of your site. So, it ranks your page lower than it would have otherwise.

In addition, some anchor texts are considered spammy by Google. It includes words such as “buy,” “free,” “click here,” and others. These types of anchor texts are used to trick Google into thinking that your website is selling something. But something else is needed for your business.

If you want to rank higher in search results, avoid these anchor texts.

Conclusion: The importance of having a well-planned SEO Strategy in the future

SEO is an ongoing process. You won’t get immediate results. But if you plan, then you can start seeing improvements right away. You don’t need to do everything at once. Start small and work your way up. As you gain experience, you’ll learn how to improve your strategy.

Once you’ve mastered basic SEO techniques, you can focus on improving your rankings further.

And you’ll eventually see great results.

Richa Soni

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